What makes our tattoo removal different?

Powerfully versatile pico technology featuring multiple wavelengths, including the first true-red picosecond wavelength, for skin revitalization on all skin types, tattoo removal, and treatment of benign pigmented lesions

Using the latest in tattoo removal technology, our laser combines both nano and pico pulses for the most effective shattering of ink. Nano second technology targets deeper and larger ink particles, so the pico second pulses can pulverize the smaller ink fragments.
4 Wavelengths for Greater Efficacy

Our tattoo removal technology offers 4 wavelengths to treat the broadest range of pigment/tattoo colors, on the widest range of skin types. With wavelengths 1064nm, 532nm, 650nm and 585nm, we can target the most frequently used tattoo colors.
For more information, visit our page on the Enlighten Pico Laser and the PiqO4 Laser.

PICO Genesis selectively shatters pigment and induces dermal disruption and remodeling for true skin revitalization in fewer than three sessions. PICO Genesis FX combines the 1064 nm wavelength with enlighten’s microlens array attachment to address acne scars, skin texture, and quality, and pores on all skin types.
Powerful skin rejuvenation, pigment and tattoo removal
PiQo4™ can disperse a rainbow and give you your skin and your confidence back. Using high energies, PiQo4 shatters the pigments and sweeps them away using the flexibility of four wave actions. Resurfacing the skin to improve texture laxity and tone. And PiQo4 does not discriminate about color. The color of your blemish or the color of your skin.
Powerful skin rejuvenation, pigment and tattoo removal.
Very short laser pulses are absorbed into the target areas of the skin causing the conversion of light energy into acoustic waves that shatter the ink/pigment granules in a process that is fast and effective. The high energy levels of PiQo4 allow pigment/tattoo removal with fewer treatments compared with other competing laser systems. PiQo4 provides up to 10 times more energy for both 1064nm and 532nm (650mJ & 325mJ respectively) wavelengths. They can be set as either Nano or Pico, making them suitable for use with both, for dual pulse treatments.